Solar Powered Lanterns

These Luci Lanterns are solar powered. They are fully charged within 8 hours of direct or incandescent sunlight and will last up to 12 hours with continuous use. They are light weight and inflatable so they are easy to travel with and store. It is the perfect emergency lantern and great for backpacking or camping.

They can even change colors.

They can even change colors.

The Luci Lantern. Inflatable, shatterproof, waterproof, and powered by the sun.

The Luci Lantern. Inflatable, shatterproof, waterproof, and powered by the sun.

A Luci Lantern fully inflated.

A Luci Lantern fully inflated.

A Luci Lantern that is on.

A Luci Lantern that is on.

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